Christian Pentzold

The project analysed the integration of digital methods in processes of rural regional development. Therefore, the effects of digitization and mediatization on communication methods, social organization and institutions in these processes were examined and we studied how analog and digital formats and procedures can be combined. The findings led to recommendations for action and policy to strengthen the effectiveness of rural regional development processes. More about the project here.

In this project I collaborated with the Institute for Rural Development Research at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University of Frankfurt/Main. The project was funded by the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (funding no: 2820FD011 B).

Selected project publications:

Stein, Veronika; Pentzold, Christian; Peter, Sarah & Sterly, Simone (2022): Digitalization and Civic Participation in Rural Areas. A Systematic Review of Scientific Journals, 2010-2020. In: Spatial Research and Planning, 80(3), 251-266.

Stein, Veronika; Pentzold, Christian; Peter, Sarah & Sterly, Simone (2023): Sociotechnical Infrastructuring for Digital Participation in Rural Development: A Survey of Public Administrators in Germany. In: Communications: The European Journal of Communication Research Online first: